Welcome to the Living EQ Integration, a program to support you to weave the learnings from Core into your own life.

To access this program, please register on www.6seconds.org/reg or email [email protected] – if you’re already registered, you can use the link below to start the course.

Bienvenido a EQ Vida, por favor pulse en el recuadro del curso en español

Complete all these pre-requirement(s) before proceeding to the certification content


Experience why, what, and how EQ works & Six Seconds’ research-based methods & tools. EQ drives effectiveness, relationships, quality of life and wellbeing. These learnable, measura...


In-depth experiential training equips professionals to practice EQ to effectively integrate Six Seconds' methods and model in their personal and professional work.


In this robust blended program with over 40 hours of training, learning professionals add the best-in-class SEI toolkit to their repetoire to measure and develop emotional intelligenc...

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